Cell Culture Flask Packaging Changing Notification
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Cell Culture Flask Packaging Changing Notification

November 20, 2023

Dear NEST customers,

Thank you very much for choosing NEST products. 

To improve specification recognition and enhance the user experience, we would like to inform you that we plan to switch the previous packaging of Cell Culture Flask collection to the NEW packaging of Co-extruded Bag. This new packaging offers improved softness and better sealing performance. Additionally, we are replacing the tear notch on the previous packaging with an opening in the upper part to ensure safer storage. Please note that both the old and new packagings will be available during this transition period. The illustration of the new opening design is shown below.

Again, we will be transitioning the packaging over the long term. We apologize for any of the inconvenience we brought you, but we believe the packaging upgrades will be a success to this highly anticipated product line. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@nest-wuxi.com

Best Regards,

Wuxi NEST Biotechnology CO., Ltd