PET Square Storage Bottle
PET Square Storage Bottle

Save time and money cleaning and validating your storage bottles by using Nest Scientific's disposable media bottles. They are ideal for the storage and transportation of culture media, sera, buffers, pharmaceutical intermediates, buffers and reagents. They are also available in PC, PET or PETG to suit a wide range of storage needs. 

Many options available:

•  PC, PET or PETG bottle material

•  30mL, 60mL, 125mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1L, 2L or 5L

•  Small bags, bulk trays or bulk bags

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A favorite of biotechnology companies and R&D labs everywhere, the humble pre-sterile square PET media storage bottle. Now available in cost effective and cleanroom friendly, double bagged bulk format! 

Save time and money cleaning and validating your storage bottles by using Nest Scientific's disposable square PET media bottles. They are ideal for the storage and transportation of culture media, sera, buffers, pharmaceutical intermediates, buffers and reagents. 

Product Details:

•  Made of lightweight PET

Affordable quality you can rely on:

•  Produced in ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 9001 facility

•  Molded and packed in ISO 7 cleanroom

•  E-Beam sterilized and lot tested to SAL 10^-6 to ISO 11137

•  Lot tested free of pyrogens USP 85

•  Lot tested free of cytotoxins/pyrogens  In Vivo USP 88 and In Vitro USP 87

•  Lot tested free DNase/RNase and DNA 

•  Lot tested free BSE/TSE

•  Certified free of animal products

•  Suitable for cold storage down to -40C

•  Each bottle has a tamper evident heat shrink cap seal

•  Cannot be autoclaved

•  Well standardized footprint compatible with many automated filling machine